Tuesday, 2 December 2008

C.K. Prahalad, Indian Management Guru

If you wish to refer to one of the greatest Indian business thinkers, C.K. Prahalad should be on the top of your list. He needs no introduction; every management student in India and internationally knows the name C.K. Prahalad. He is known not only for his prolific works also for his management perceptions and strategies.

CK Prahalad is a professor, researcher, speaker, author and prominent consultant. Business Week has called him "a brilliant teacher at the University of Michigan and also described him as "maybe the most influential thinker on business strategy today.

In addition to serving as the Harvey C. Freuhauf Professor of Business Administration at the University Of Michigan Business School, Prahalad specializes in corporate strategy and the role of top management in large, diversified, multinational corporations.

In 1994 he co-authored the bestseller, Competing for the Future, with Gary Hamel. Translated into 14 languages, it was named the Best Selling Business Book of the Year in 1994. Prahalad is particularly well known for the work he has conducted with fellow strategy expert Gary Hamel. This includes the articles The Core Competence of the Corporation (Harvard Business Review, May-June, 1990), Competing in the New Economy: Managing Out of Bounds (Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3, March, 1996) as well as the bestselling book Competing for the Future: Breakthrough Strategies for Seizing Control of Your Industry and Creating the Markets of Tomorrow (1994).

He has won numerous awards. The most recent include the McKinsey Prize three times, the SMR-PWC award, and the ANBAR Electronic Citation of Excellence.

A prominent world-class guru, Professor Prahalad has consulted with the world's foremost companies, such as Ahlstrom, AT&T, Cargill, Citicorp, Eastman Chemical, Kodak, Oracle, Philips, Quantum, Revlon, Steelcase, and Unilever. In addition, he serves on the Board of Directors of NCR Corporation, Hindustan Lever Limited and the World Resources Institute and services on the Board of Directors of NCR Corporation, Hindustan Lever Limited and the World Resources Institute.

His latest book, 'The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits', proves that the future will develop from serving the poor, because the innovations that are developed are superior– top quality, low price, high volume and world-scale. Only the best innovations will work for both sides of the equation, those in poverty and those in the "developed" countries.

Books by C.K. Prahalad

  • The fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid (August 25, 2004)
  • Competing for the future (Co-authored with Gary Hamel)
  • The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers (2004 - co-authored with Venkat Ramaswamy)
  • In search of excellence
  • Multinational Mission: Balancing Local Demands and Global Vision (1987)

C.K. Prahalad is also the author of numerous award-winning articles. Harvard Business Review awarded the McKinsey Prize to him three times for the following articles:-

  • "The End of Corporate Imperialism", co-authored with Kenneth Lieberthal (1998)
  • "The Core Competence of the Corporation", co-authored with Gary Hamel (1990)
  • "Strategic Intent", also co-authored with Gary Hamel (1989)
  • "The New Frontier of Experience Innovation" published in Sloan Management Review won the SMR-PWC award for the best paper published in 2003
  • "Weak Signals vs. Strong Paradigms", published in the Journal of Marketing Research (1995) was awarded the 1997 ANBAR Electronic Citation of Excellence
  • "The Dominant Logic: A New Linkage between Diversity and Performance" (1986), co-authored with Richard Bettis, was selected the Best Article published in the Strategic Management Journal for the period 1980-88
  • "The Role of Core Competencies in the Corporation" (1993) received the 1994 Maurice Holland Award as the Best Paper published in Research Technology Management in 1993
  • "A Strategy for Growth: The Role of Core Competence in the Corporation" won the European Foundation for Management Award in 1993

Source: www.ckprahalad.com/

Fortune at the bottom of the pyramid book:

Top thinker!: http://www.thinkers50.com/?page=biography&ranking=1

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