Saturday, 5 April 2008

Charity Focus / Smile Cards / Nipun Mehta

Charity Focus - and its Founder Nipun Mehta - are some inspirational stories you should hear if you want to learn about serving others and development work.

NHSF article that I found by Nipun Mehta and well worth a read - guaranteed:
"Find your Passion and turn it into Positive Action".

Really inspired by this dude.

YouTube Videos worth watching (in order):

  1. Smile Cards - describes a project encouraging random acts of kindness that demonstrates the power of small things to transform society.
  2. The Seed of Revolution - describes one example of kindness that illustrates how small acts coming from one's goodness of spirit are what make up a revolution.
  3. The shift from "Me" to "We" - comments on how modern culture makes people think they need to acquire things in order to feel complete and recalls the ancient idea that in giving you are fulfilled.
  4. Strand in the Collective Quilt - explains how, when you see yourself connected to all life, you can't help but express your joy.
  5. Sweeping the Streets - gives an example of an act of kindness that illustrates how generosity connects us to other people.
  6. The Values of Charity Focus - talks about the values behind his organization, like selfless volunteering and focusing on small things, which allowed his team to discover the power of many.

Link: Karma Tube - Inspiration video version of youtube!

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