Thursday, 12 February 2009

INDIA 2009

I have set up another page to update on my time in India. I fly on 28 February 2009 and hope to volunteer for 3-4 months before looking for longer term projects.

Keep up to date here:


Unknown said...

dude if you're interested in longer projects then there's plenty of scope at GDL - if you commit 10+ months then you also have the freedom to design and explore your own project.. otherwise towards the end of the month we will release a list of shorter-term projects.. should have a new website soon, so keep tabs on

also unrelated; indicorps workshop runs 1st-5th march (and im meeting dharmesh early 1st) so hopefully see you in ahmedabad..?

Alankar Mishra said...
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Alankar Mishra said...
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